Friday, July 09, 2004

Movie News: One

Yes I know this is trailers. But this is movie-trailers, hence I can post up movie-related-things. Yeah. There really should be a technical name for that. And the word 'stuff'. I'm just too colloquial, dude.


One. Fantastic Four news. Ioan Gruffud, also known for his over-acting, over-emoting, campness (his words!) as Lancelot in King Arthur has been cast as Mr Fantastic. Right-o. Oh and Jessical Alba is up as the Invisible Woman. Oh dear god.

Two. Anyone ever see Basic Instinct? One of the best, most-copied, thrillers ever, ever. I was bit turned off by its rampant, and then suddenly gorey beginning but it was excellent (after that! ugh!). Sharon Stone was awesone. HOWEVER, headline: 'Sharon Stone ready to film Basic Instinct Two'. What? No. No sequels. Ruination! And she may appear nude again in the follow-up. "I'm like, 'Does anybody want to pay $12 to see me naked?"' the 46-year-old said. "I'm like, 'I guess it's OK.". Nope, sorry. I'd pay 12 not to see her naked. Trying to pick up the scraps of her lost acting career, milking for all its work. In the words of Vince Vaughn: "I think there's some left. *suck* *suck*" Sad.

Three. With the exception of 'Gojirrou'(Godzilla, for you non-movie speak ppl) and 'Bond', nothing good is to come out of an 8th sequel. Believe me. So, what hack in hollywood decided to ressurect the Police Academy series? Idiots.

Four. a kid, I loved the game 'Doom'. But it is too ciche to say that a a movie-from-game (or game-turned-movie) of this world-famous shoot it up Game is Doomed to failure? We think so. (Me, Ames and co.) The Rock doesn't though? Hm, well look at the Scorpion King. Thumbs down for me. Here's the basic plotline though, for you interested fans: "The story is set at a Mars space station, where an aerospace conglom is conducting secret experiments when something unleashes a demonic force that threatens to overtake the facility."

Five Comingsoon is reiterating what I allready know. If anyone watched RoveLive on Tuesday night, you would have been surprised at three things. 1) The length of Ioan Gruffud's tongue 2) How many more female fans he will have after that. And yes, this comment is sexually-oriented. Yow. 3) And...Joss Whedon's (who I love, along with Matt Reilly) baby idea to do four telly-movies out of his 'Buffy/Angel'-verse. One of which will be Spike. And as James Marster's confirmed this, one of them will be Spike. Yes! *pumps* Thumbs up, all the way baby.

Six Pink Panther stills up. Steve Martin to play Inspector Clouseau (who else?). Also to star, Kline, Jean Reno (fav French actor along with Depardeau) and Beyonce Knowles. Wha? Oh c'mon. Ruin a perfect cast, won't you?

Seven Casting call for Memoirs of a Geisha. Asian girls between 8-18. I've been waiting for this, or another 'Joy-Luck-Red-Latern' type movie. What I was surprised by was that it was being produced by Steven Spielburg? Wha? No thumb. I'm too stunned to scrutinise this carefully. Check with me later.

Eight God, isn't Gardenstate a boring title? Yes, untill you hear that Zach Braff is starring in it. Directing, Producing etc. I think I've said this before, check my blog. Anyway, apparently he will be voicing Chicken Little in Disney's first ever CGI adaption without Pixar. Woo. And he will directing an upcoming episode of Scrubs. Yayness.

Nine Melissa George, former star (former???) of Alias is set to work on the Amityville Horror. In my opinion, bad move. Horror movies? Really? Usually, its a step down from there. Sorry.

Ten A bit of tv-news now. Heather Graham to be regular on tv show Scrubs. Good move. Scrubs is a good comedy. Though step-down, its not too far especially with its rising stars. Go Graham. To be playing therapist who creates havoc among the other staffers.

Eleven Tim Burton. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Johnny Depp as Wonka. Kid from Mists of Avalon and J.M. Barrie's Neverland as Charlie. Also Helena Bonham Carter (Burton's wife) and Christopher Lee. Right-o. Now who are the Oompa-Loompas? Ah, Gene Wilder. You are still the best.

Twelve To keep going on this thread. Johnny Depp along with the same members (cancel the kid), will be starring in Corpse Bride, yes with Tim Burton helming it. He's a guy who travels to the underworld to marry this corpse bride (Carter) while his wife pines for him (Watson). Also starring, Albert Finney (Big Fish) and Joanna Lumley.

Thirteen Presidential comedy, anonymous as of yet. But written by Billy Crystal, Crystal stars as 'Death's repo man who comes to claim the President. The president has till midnight to set his affairs, etc. Hmmm...still helmed by Crystal, it should be a treat.

I think that's enough. Oh, but our all favourite Jasons Issacs will have a cameo in Elektra. Yes that J.Garner film. Yes. *nods* I know. *sigh* He'll be back for the next HP too.




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