Wednesday, June 30, 2004

Phantom of the Opera

Le Phantoeme' de Opera
(or something to that extent, pardon my horrible made-up French).

Ah, the phantom of the opera. Shall I regale my momentous past with this great piece of french literature? Dazzling and lovely. As a stage play and so on. Now, a movie. I've been waiting for this. I always loved the phantom, my own personal forbidden love. There was enigma, that illusion of him, invincibility. Like a god, an adonis divine. Marked, scarred, Torak-style though. He was still beautiful to me.
I just could never understand why Christine didn't love Erik. Sure he was a bit mad but his lovely, frightening devotion, protection and his music. Oh his music. The descriptions of Leroux still give me shivers.
Yet, this is not the point. Phantom's teaser trailer (click on the picture), is well, only a teaser. And not in the normal teaser style. Longer than most teasers and giving away a great deal, but with little words or voice-over, which appealed to me. Most of phantom was without words, it was the music that was over-powering and vital to the telling of the tragic tale. Cinematically, it deems wealthy of period style, music and an overfluous mood. Definitely my style. So I guess an 8/10. I deducted two marks because, it is a teaser and at times, seems just a montage of images from the film with no direction, no explanation. It lies too heavily with the phantom's own fame.
Enjoyable, nonetheless. So feast your eyes! Glut your soul on these delights!

~ M.M.W ~

Psst: The above italised bit is a quote from the book, if not recognised. I love that book. Great on a dark, stormy night where one feels rather depressed and lacking in love.


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